Wow! Almost done! Michigan and Niagara Falls!

Can you believe it? I'm almost done with this incredible adventure! After tonight, I have only one more night on the road. Wow! When I started, it felt so huge with over 8 weeks of travel and now I'm almost done. I am damned proud of myself, not just because I did this on my own but that I kept my energy and enthusiasm up the whole time. I only took 2 days off where I didn't drive or seek out adventures. I averaged over 230 miles a day!

Yesterday I left Illinois and made my way up into Michigan to see the west coast. My good friend Jahn is from Michigan and she raves about this beautiful state. My first glimpse of Lake Michigan when coming around Indiana and up into St. Joseph was beautiful. It was a hot and hazy day but you still get an idea of how massive the lake is. 

I then headed down to the beach to dip my toes in the lake. 

 I stopped at the classic carousel for a quick ride before heading down to the lake.

It is so strange walking a hot, sandy beach along a lake. Other than the lack of salty sea air, it totally feels and looks like the ocean!

After hanging out and wading in the cool water, I drove up to Saugatuck, a quaint town on the coast about an hour west of Grand Rapids. 

It's a harbor town with a beautiful beach and a fun downtown. I could see myself staying in this area for a vacation.

I spent the night in Grand Rapids and drove to Buffalo today. I drove through Canada so I could come across the Niagara area with a stop at the falls.

 I walked along the water with the rapids roaring by on the way to American Falls.

 I then walked all the way down to the back side of American Falls and then Horseshoe Falls.

 Can you see all of those people getting drenched by the falls?!

What a wonderful last scenic stop on my return home! I had been here before but in November many years ago. It was quite invigorating!

Tomorrow, I continue my drive east and am hoping to make a stop in Cooperstown with a night in Springfield before driving home on Friday. I have about 600 miles left to drive. I've got this!!!


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